VitaLink: A Smart Glove for Enhanced Safety in Coal Mines

Revolutionizing Worker Safety in Hazardous Environments

Coal mines have long been associated with dangerous working conditions and the risk of accidents. Inspired by the need to improve safety measures for coal miners, designer Gizem Oncu has created VitaLink, a wearable smart glove that aims to enhance communication and emergency response in hazardous environments.

Worker safety should always be a top priority, especially in industries where employees face life-threatening risks on a daily basis. VitaLink goes beyond traditional safety measures by providing real-time monitoring and communication capabilities for coal miners. Unlike existing techniques that rely solely on environmental sensors, VitaLink is a wearable smart device that enables communication in cases of emergency, such as a decrease in oxygen levels, dramatic changes in pulse values, or miner inactivity.

With VitaLink, every miner has the ability to send an emergency call directly to the operator, providing crucial information about their location and situation. This allows for quick response and rescue operations, potentially saving lives in critical situations. The device also collects personal health information from each employee, providing an overall system control that ensures the safety and well-being of miners.

During the design process, Gizem Oncu conducted extensive research and field studies to understand the challenges faced by coal miners. The focus group included workers, overseers, technicians, engineers, rescue crew members, and miner operators, all of whom provided valuable insights into the working conditions and safety concerns. The main aim was to create a user-friendly interface that is easy to understand and use, even in the dark and wet conditions of a coal mine.

VitaLink addresses the limitations of existing safety systems by utilizing illuminated visual indicators instead of audio cues, as sound can be distorted in the mine environment. Vibration is also used as a warning mechanism. The device is designed to be lightweight and ergonomically fit, allowing for ease of movement and minimizing discomfort for the wearer. The use of cast silicone membrane for electronic parts provides flexibility and convenience for production and assembly.

VitaLink was developed as Gizem Oncu's graduation project, lasting five months from January to June 2015. It was exhibited at The Culture and Convention Center of Middle East Technical University in June 2015. The design has received recognition for its innovation and contribution to improving worker safety. VitaLink was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Wearable Technologies Design category in 2016, acknowledging its outstanding creativity and resourcefulness in incorporating art, science, design, and technology.

VitaLink is a testament to the power of design in addressing real-world challenges and making a positive impact on people's lives. By revolutionizing worker safety in hazardous environments, this smart glove has the potential to save lives and prevent accidents in coal mines and other high-risk industries.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Gizem Oncu
Image Credits: Image #1: Illustrator / Gizem Oncu Image #2: Illustrator / Gizem Oncu Image #3: Illustrator / Gizem Oncu Image #4: Illustrator / Gizem Oncu
Project Team Members: Gizem Oncu
Project Name: Vitalink
Project Client: Gizem Oncu

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Vitalink IMG #5

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